Abstract | U današnje digitalno doba platforme društvenih medija eksplodirale su u popularnosti i znatno se ukorijenile u naš svakodnevni život. Ne samo da je to promijenilo način na koji komuniciramo, već je povećalo interaktivnost i povezanost s pristupom vijestima i informacijama, a razvilo je i način današnjeg poslovanja. No informacije se mogu lako izgubiti u buci i gomili teksta, a riječi same po sebi ne privlače pažnju publike koliko integriranje privlačnog vizualnog sadržaja može poboljšati način na koji publika apsorbira i pamti poruku. Vizualni sadržaj može biti u obliku slika, videozapisa, grafikona, infografika, animacija, ikonografije i gifova, pružajući tvrtkama priliku da na upečatljiv način prikažu informacije. Cilj ovoga rada je na temelju istraživanja putem dostupne literature i internetskih izvora prikazati i ispitati kako vizualni elementi prožimaju društvene medije naše svakodnevne komunikacije na različitim razinama, od izražavanja identiteta pojedinca, do vijesti i kriminala, vladanja i iskustava urbanog prostora.According to the Croatian encyclopedia, the poster is a pictorial-textual notice displayed in public places [1], so it is not surprising that in unstable times a large number of political posters appear as a means of mass propaganda. Production of posters is cheaper than production of some other media, and that allows reproduction in multiple copies. The content that we can see on such posters is usually very simple and as such, accessible to a wider circle of people (even those who are less educated). This paper will review and analyze the visual communication of posters that appeared in Poland at just such a period, at a timewhen crimes were committed that humanity will remember for a long time - in World War II. It is important to note that the Nazi propaganda organization, as well as the Poles, participated in the creation of the posters that were created at that time and in that area. The aim of this paper is to show the ways in which visual communication was used to influence the change and formation of public awareness. |
Abstract (english) | In today’s digital age, social media platforms have exploded in popularity and become significantly ingrained in our daily lives. Not only has this changed the way we communicate, but it has increased interactivity and connectivity with access to news and information, and it has also developed the way we do business today. But information can be easily lost in the noise and pile of text, and words alone don’t attract the audience’s attention as much as integrating engaging visual content can improve the way the audience absorbs and remembers the message. Visual content can take the form of images, videos, charts, infographics, animations, iconography and gifs, giving companies the opportunity to display information in a striking way. The aim of this paper is to show and examine how visual elements permeate the social media of our everyday communication at various levels, from expressing an individual's identity to news and crime, governance and urban experiences, based on research through available literature and online sources. |