Abstract | Animacija je u svojoj srži umjetnost pokreta, te pokret u animaciji postaje moćno sredstvo
prenošenja poruke. 2D animacija podrazumjeva oblikovanje pokretnih sličica u dvodimenzionalnom
prostoru. Pri tome, da bi ona uspješno vizualno komunicirala, potrebno je poštivati
zakone pokreta iz prirode, te zakone pokreta u 2D animaciji koji su uspostavljeni kroz prve
animirane filmove, no i zakone konstrukcije prostora uspostavljene tokom stoljeća povijesti
umjetnosti. U animaciji je bitna i dimenzija vremena, koje se mjeri u sličicama u sekundi.
Prostor i vrijeme se ujedinjuju kompozicijom sekvence, pri čemu se mogu koristiti forme
kontinuiteta, te forme diskontinuiteta. Na animaciju se postavljaju određeni tehnički zahtjevi,
koji ponajviše ovise o njenoj namjeni: video, televizija, film, Internet ili CD-ROM. Ovi tehnički
zahtjevi mogu biti ograničavajući, stoga je nekada potrebno raditi kompromise na račun oblikovanja,
efekata ili kvalitete sve sa svrhom da ju krajnji korisnik može nesmetano pregledavati.
Animacija namjenjena za multimediju ima posebne zahtjeve koji proizlaze iz njene
interaktivnosti. Da bi ona zadovoljila krajnjeg korisnika, potrebno je detaljno isplanirati svaki
korak izrade, uzeti u obzir sva ograničenja, te obaviti potrebna testiranja. Animacija ima
svoj određeni proces izrade koji se razlaže na pripremnu fazu, konceptualizaciju ideja, te na
samu izvedbu. Naposlijetku, svaki element animacije ima svoje rođenje, život i smrt, a priča
svoj početak i kraj, premda ne mora biti ispričana tim redoslijedom. Animacija omogućuje
manipulaciju prostorom i vremenom i u njoj nema ograničenja za maštu. |
Abstract (english) | Animation is essentially the art of movement, and movement in the animation becomes a
powerful tool for transmitting messages. 2D animation involves forming movable frames in
two-dimensional space. To achieve effective visual communication it is necessary to respect
the natural laws of motion and the laws of motion in 2D animation, which were established
through the first animated films, but also the laws of spatial composition established during
the centuries of art history. Usage of time is also crucial in animation, and it is measured in
frames per second. Space and time are unified through sequential composition, where you
can use forms of continuity and forms of discontinuity. Animation has its own technical constrains,
which largely depend on its purpose: video, television, film, Internet or CD-ROM.
These technical constrains can be restrictive, so it is sometimes necessary to compromise
in formatting, using effects, or quality so the end-user can browse animation without any
disturbance. Animation designed for multimedia has its special requirements arising from
its interactivity. In order for the end-user to be satisfied it is necessary to thoroughly plan
every step of production, to take into account all constraints, and perform necessary testing.
Animation has its own particular process of making which consists of the preparatory
phase, the conceptualization of ideas and the performance itself. Finally, each element of
the animation has its birth, life and death, and a story has its beginning and end, although it
does not need to be told in that particular order. Animation allows the manipulation of space
and time and in animation there is no limit to the imagination. |