Title Devijacija kvalitete jednodnevnog novinskog tiska
Author Jelena Duvnjak
Mentor Igor Zjakić (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Dragčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Zjakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Mrvac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-9-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Ofsetni tisak od svog izuma do danas je postao najraširenija i najčešće korištena tehnika
tiska. Njegova jednostavnost, isplativost za velike naklade i prilagodljivost različitim
zahtjevima i potrebama tržišta omogućila mu je prisutnost u svim sferama grafičke
Kako bi se postigla željena kvaliteta novinskog tiska moramo kontrolirati više ključnih
Pod parametrima podrazumijevamo kontrolu pojedinačnih etapa tiska ili dijelova sustava, a
pad samo jednog parametra može uzrokovati značajan pad kvalitete. Neki od važnijih
parametara za koje ne smijemo dopustiti pad su: napetost tiskovnih elemenata I slobodnih
površina kod tiskovne forme, hrapavost površine valjka za obojenje, radne temperature
valjaka, sastav bojila i otopine za vlaženje, struktura tiskovne forme, njena izdrživost, te
temperature i vlaga u prostorima proizvodnje.
S obzirom da kod tiska dolazi do gubitka informacija odnosno pada kvalitete u odnosu na
originalnu reprodukciju bitna je kontrola otisaka kroz sam proces otiskivanja. Kontrolu
punog tona i rastriranog polja kontroliramo mjernim stripovima, deformaciju rasterskih
elemenata koji uzrokuju smicanje i razmazivanje signalnim stripovima, a kontrolom
registra osiguravamo pravilno nalijeganje boje kod višebojnog otiska.
Ofsetne rotacije specifične su po građi tiskovnih agregata, tiskovnih jedinica, uređaja za
bojenje, vlaženje i sušenje i zbog toga kvaliteta dobivenih otisaka u novinskoj rotaciji
zaostaje za kvalitetom otisaka koja se postiže u ofsetnom tisku iz arka. Unatoč tome,
ofsetna rotacija pronašla je savršenu primjenjivost u tisku novina gdje zadovoljava potrebe
tržišta bez prevelikih troškova. Novinska rotacija postala je temelj izrade dnevnih tiskovina
sa zasebnim standardima, metodama kontrole kvalitete i rasprostranjenosti koja se, unatoč
digitalizaciji i globalizaciji novina u zadnjih 20 godina, neće ozbiljnije mijenjati.
Abstract (english) Ever since its invention and until today, the offset print has been the most widespread and
most commonly used printing technique. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness for large print
editions and adaptability to different requirements and market needs ensured its presence in
all areas of the printing industry. In order to achieve the desired quality of the newspaper
print, we have to monitor multiple key parameters.
The prameters include the control of individual phases of the printing proces and the
elements of the printing system, since a decrease of a single parameter can cause a
significant drop in quality.
Some of the most important parameters that should not decrease are: tension of the printing
elements and the free areas of the printing form, the roughness of ink roller’s surface, the
roller’s operating temperature, the composition of dye and wetting solution, structure of the
printing form and its durability, and temperature and humidity in the areas of production.
Since there is a loss of information during the prnting process, it is important to monitor the
quality of individual prints in comparison with the original reproduction. Rich tone and
raster field control are measured through measurement strips, the deformation of raster
elements who cause shearing and smearing is measured throgh signal strips, and the
register control ensures the dye is accurately applied in case of multi-color print.
Offset rotations are distinctive because of the way its press aggregates, press units and
dyeing devices are constructed, and therefore the quality of the prints in newspaper rotation
is falls behind the quality of print achieved with offset sheet-fed printing. Nevertheless,
offset rotation is perfectly applicable in newspaper print, where it meets the market's needs
without the excessive costs. Newspaper rotation has become a cornerstone for daily
newspapers production with separate standards, methods, quality control and distribution
that, in spite of digitization and globalization of the newspaper in the last 20 years, will not
drastically change.
ofsetni tisak
novinski tisak
tiskovna forma
Keywords (english)
offset printing
newspaper printing
the printing form
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:124669
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-18 21:40:33