Title Trajnost 3D otiska na tekstilu
Author Barbara Kolenko
Mentor Ivana Bolanča Mirković (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Banić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Bolanča-Mirković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Kulčar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Tekstil je materijal kojem se danas povećava važnost i primjena u raznim drugim područjima i industrijama, osim modne, kao npr. automobilska industrija, arhitektura, svemirska industrija, medicina i druge, a primjenu je našao i u grafičkoj industriji. Iako se tekstil u grafičkoj industriji pojavljuje u raznim oblicima i za razne primjene, u ovom radu će se promatrati tekstil kao tiskovna podloga, odnosno mogućnost primjene aditivne proizvodnje direktno na tekstil. Aditivna proizvodnja je široki pojam koji obuhvaća sve tehnologije kojima se mogu izraditi trodimenzionalni objekti dodavanjem materijala sloj po sloj. To su relativno nove tehnologije koje su se razvile u kratkom roku, u usporedbi s tekstilom, a nastavljaju se razvijati te im se gotovo svakodnevno nalaze nove primjene. Jedna od tih novih primjena je već ranije spomenuta, aditivna aplikacija na tekstil, te je ona i tema ovoga rada. Korištena tehnologija aditivne proizvodnje je taložno očvršćivanje (FDM – Fused Deposition Modelling ili FFF – Fused Filament Fabrication), kojom se aditivno proizvodilo dvjema vrstama polimera (sintetski i bioplastični filamenti) na dvije vrste tekstilnih materijala: prirodno i sintetsko pletivo. Na spomenutim uzorcima simulirano je ubrzano starenje izlaganjem uzoraka utjecaju ksenonskog svjetla te je ispitana jakost adhezije tekstila i polimera prije i nakon simuliranog starenja, te čvrstoća plošnog tekstila s aditivno proizvedenim objektom. Dobiveni rezultati su definitivno jako dobra podloga za daljnje istraživanje dotične teme, ali i za početak uvoĎenja novih tehnologija u grafičku industriju kojima se izbjegava nepotrebna uporaba vode, energije i kemikalija, te minimalizira otpad, sve u svrhu ekološke održivosti i produktivnosti.
Abstract (english) Textile is a material that has become more valuable and more applicable in other industries, besides the fashion industry, for example, in the automobile industry, architecture, space industry, medicine etc., and it was also found useful in the graphic industry. Textile can be used in a lot of forms and for a lot of applications in the graphic industry, but in this paper it will be used as a potential printing media, for the process of additive manufacturing directly on textile. Additive manufacturing is a broad term that includes all technologies that can produce threedimensional objects by adding layers of material one on top of the other. These are relatively new technologies that boosted in a very short period of time, compared to textiles, and are being developed for new purposes every day. One of this new purposes has already been mentioned, additive application on textiles, and it will be the subject of this papers study. The technology of additive manufacturing used in this paper is Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM or FFF – Fused Filament Fabrication). Two kind of polymers were extruded (synthethic and bioplastic polymer) on two kinds of textile materials: natural and synthethic knitwear. The before mentioned samples were exposed to a xenon lamp, to simulate accelerated ageing. Testing of adhesion was then carried out on the samples before and after simulation of accelerated ageing. Also, the strenght test was conducted on the samples before and after the simulation of accelerated ageing. The results are definetly a very good base for further research of the subject of additive applications on textile, but also for integrating new technologies in the graphic industry which can help cut down on use of unnecessary water, energy and chemicals, minimize waste, and everything in the purpose of ecological sustainability and productivity.
aditivna proizvodnja
ekološka održivost
Keywords (english)
additive manufacturing
ecological sustainability
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:206517
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-04-18 22:12:49