Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu razrađen je proces izrade brenda. To obuhvaća
istraživanje tržišta: ponudu brendova, njihovu povezanost između imena,
vizuala i usluge, te izgled samog logotipa. Također, obuhvaća i istraživanje
vezano uz samog klijenta, njegove/njezine ideje, želje, te usluge koje pruža.
Upoznavanje s karakteristikama samih usluga koje klijent pruža, njegove/
njezine planove za pokretanje brenda i za razvoj bliže i dalje budućnosti,
donosi uvid u osobnost brenda, što se uspoređuje sa rezultatima tržišnog
istraživanja. Dana istraživanja prvi su korak u razvoju brenda. To je korak
koji omogućuje unos osobnosti u dizajn pri defniranju vizuala. Taj korak ključan je u razvoju sljedećih: odabrati kvalitetno ime, postaviti vizualni temelj
koji se najbolje veže uz karakter, te kako doći do željenog logotipa na temelju prethodnog. Razrada tih koraka uključuje postavljanje više prijedloga
imena i razradu istog do postavljanja fnalnog rješenja. Također odabiru se
službeni fontovi, te boje i odlučuje o stilu, i to ne samo logotipa, već i samog
brenda što dovodi do odluke o motivu i konstruiranju logotipa. Time ovaj rad
dolazi do praktičnog djela, gdje donosi primjer idejnog rješenja izrade dvaju
brendova i rezultate analize uspješnosti istih. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the process of branding is elaborated. This includes market
research: offering brands, their association between name, visuals and service, and the appearance of the logo itself. It also includes research related
to the client, his / her ideas, desires, and the services he / she provides.
Familiarity with the features of the services the client provides, his / her
plans to launch the brand and to develop it further and further into the future,
brings insight into the brand personality, which is compared with the results
of market research. This research is the frst step in brand development.
It is a step that allows the introduction of personality into the design when
defning the visual. This step is crucial in developing the following: choose
a quality name, set the visual foundation that best matches the character,
and how to get the logo you want. Elaborating these steps involves setting
up multiple name suggestions and elaborating them until the fnal solution
is set up. Ofcial fonts, colors, and style choices are also chosen, and not
just the logos ones, but also for the brand itself, which leads to the decision
on sketch and creating the design of logo. With this done, work comes to a
practical point, where it provides an example of a conceptual design of two
brands and the results of their performance analysis. |