Abstract | Fotografija je umjetnost, a kako bi se ta umjetnost prenijela, osim dobro snimljene i realizirane fotografije istu je potrebno dalje reproducirati, prenijeti i prikazati kroz razne medije, od web stranica, portala, televizije, mobilnih uređaja, tiskanih medija i slično. Stoga je nužno fotografije prilagoditi odgovarajućem formatu potrebnom za reprodukciju na bilo koji vizualni medij gdje će one biti prikazane i viđene. Uz osnovnu obradu i prilagodbu fotografije za tisak kao što je odabir model miješanja boja za tisak, rezanje i obrezivanje (crop), određivanje rezolucije i ostalih tehničkih procesa vezanih za tisak, važan je i umjetnički dio obrade fotografije. Što se tog dijela obrade fotografije tiče, mogućnosti su neograničene. Uz pomoć programa i alata kakve danas poznajemo i koji su dostupni, obične, kvalitetno snimljene fotografije lako postaju umjetničke i profesionalne fotografije koje se nadalje koriste u razne svrhe (primjerice reklamna fotografija). Od programa za obradu fotografija najpoznatiji je svakako Photoshop tvrtke Adobe, koja uz taj program za obradu fotografije nudi i program Lightroom. Ostali poznati programi za obradu fotografije su: GIMP, Corel PaintShop Pro, Serif PhotoPlus, Pixlr Editor, Inkscape i mnoštvo drugih. Svi programi i njihovi alati bit će pobliže objašnjeni i prikazani kroz ovaj rad, a ponajviše će naglasak biti na Photoshop-u. |
Abstract (english) | Photography is a form of art and in order for that art to be transmitted, besides the welltaken and realized photo, it needs to be further reproduced, transmitted and displayed through various media, from websites, portals, television, mobile devices, print media and so on. It is therefore necessary to adapt the photographs to the appropriate format required for reproduction on any visual media where they will be displayed and seen. In addition to the basic editing and adjustment of a photo for printing, such as choosing a mode for color mixing for printing, cutting and cropping (crop), determining the resolution and other technical processes related to printing, the artistic part of photo editing is also important. As far as this part of photo processing is concerned, the possibilities are limitless. With the help of programs and tools as we know them today and which are available, ordinary, well-made photographs can easily become artistic and professional photographs that are further used for various purposes (for example, advertising photography). Of the photo editing programs, the most famous is certainly Photoshop from Adobe, which also offers their editing program called Lightroom. Other well-known photo editing programs are: GIMP, Corel PaintShop Pro, Serif PhotoPlus, Pixlr Editor, Inkscape and many others. All programs and their tools will be explained in greater detail and presented through this thesis, with the greatest emphasis on Photoshop. |