Title Fotografija arhitekture
Author Toni Baždarić
Mentor Miroslav Mikota (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Dragčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Mikota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Jurečić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-9-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Arhitektura je ideja, planiranje, projektiranje i građenje objekata u različite svrhe i
funkcije. U njoj se isprepliću umjetnost, znanost i tehnologija. Iako je arhitektura
sama po sebi umjetnost, ona ne bi mogla doživjeti svoj puni potencijal bez jedne
druge umjetnosti, a to je fotografija. Fotografija upotpunjuje arhitekturu dajući joj
jednu dimenziju više. Točnije, daje joj mogućnost biti viđen i prepoznat kao veliko
arhitektonsko dostignuće diljem svijeta.
Fotografija arhitekture svakako spada među najatraktivnije vrste fotografija. Razlog
tomu je što preko fotografije možemo primjerice dočarati draž i „veličinu“ poznatih
svjetskih građevina. Iako se misli da je fotografija arhitekture samo jednostavno
fotografiranje zgrada, tu se krije znatno više od toga. Fotografija arhitekture osim
dizajna i točnog prikaza zgrada, podrazumijeva i da ta fotografija bude ugodna oku
Fotografi moraju imati dodatne vještine i tehnike za bilježenje ljepota zgrada, od
korištenja prave perspektive, preko komponiranja okoline, do saznanja gdje i kada
snimiti pravu fotografiju.
Fotografija arhitekture se zapravo više bavi dizajnom nego samim zgradama. Što se
tiče dizajna, fotograf može istaknuti neke detalje zbog kojih zgrada izgleda estetski
ugodno. Nerijetko se mogu vidjeti arhitektonske fotografije samo djelića cijele
zgrade. Možda se umjesto cijelog izgleda zgrade može prikazati zid, lučni prolaz ili
neki stupovi.
Glavni cilj ovog rada je pomoću autorskih fotografija objasniti zašto se arhitektura
smatra umjetnošću, a ne samo običnim građevinama. U radu je također prikazan
mali dio povijesti arhitekture da bi se ukazalo na napredak od prošlog vremena pa do
danas. Naglasak se stavlja na tehnički pristup fotografiji kroz glavne postavke
aparata te kompoziciju i perspektivu kako bi krajnji rezultat bio što bolji i uspješniji.
Abstract (english) Architecture is the idea, planning, design and construction of buildings for various
purposes and functions. It intertwines art, science and technology. Although
architecture is an art in itself, it could not reach its full potential without another art,
and that is photography. Photography complements the architecture by giving it one
more dimension. More precisely, it gives it the opportunity to be seen and recognized
as a great architectural achievement around the world.
Architecture photography is one of the most attractive types of photography. The
reason for this is that through photography we can, for example, evoke the charm
and "size" of famous world buildings. Although architecture photography is thought to
be just a simple photograph of buildings, there is much more to it than that. A
photograph of architecture, in addition to the design and accurate depiction of
buildings, also implies that the photograph is pleasing to the eye of the beholder.
Photographers must have additional skills and techniques for capturing the beauty of
buildings, from using the right perspective, through composing the environment, to
knowing where and when to take the right photo.
Architecture photography is actually more about design than the buildings
themselves. As for the design, the photographer can highlight some details that
make the building look aesthetically pleasing. It is not uncommon to see architectural
photographs of only parts of the entire building. Perhaps instead of the whole look of
the building, a wall, an arched passage or some pillars can be shown.
The main goal of this paper is to use authorial photographs to explain why
architecture is considered an art and not just ordinary buildings. The paper also
presents a small part of the history of architecture to point out the progress from the
past to the present. Emphasis is placed on the technical approach to photography
through the main settings of the camera and the composition and perspective to
make the end result as good and successful as possible.
fotografija arhitekture
fotografska oprema
Keywords (english)
architectural photography
photographic equipment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:201170
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-18 23:55:30