Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu će se usporediti 2 načina izrade 3D modela, tj. bavit će se usporedbom fotogrametrije (skeniranja) i 3D modeliranja. Za obje metode će se napraviti isti finalni rezultat, tj. isti fizički model, ali na različite načine. Prva metoda je fotogrametrija, a to je vještina, znanost i tehnologija dobivanja pouzdanih kvantitativnih informacija o fizičkim objektima na Zemlji i okolišu, procesom zabilježbe, mjerenjem, analiziranjem i interpretacijom fotografskih snimaka i scena elektromagnetskog zračenja dobivenih senzorskim sustavima. Za ovu metodu koristi se Agisoft računalni program za 3D skeniranje pomoću kojeg se dobije 3D model. Druga metoda je 3D modeliranje, a to je proces kreiranja matematičke reprezentacije nekog trodimenzionalnog objekta. Ono što nastane naziva se 3D modelom. Kroz proces 3D renderiranja, može se dobiti 2D slika 3D modela iz jedne perspektive ili kao alternativa, 3D model se može iskoristiti kao resurs u real-time grafičkoj simulaciji. Za ovu metodu koristi se program Blender pomoću kojeg se modelira finalni 3D model. Pomoću programa za fotogrametriju (Agisoft) i programa za 3D modeliranje (Blender) dobiti će se isti finalni 3D model na osnovu stvarnog fizičkog objekta. Prvo će se pomoću Agisoft programa uz prethodni fotomaterijal (slike stvarnog objekta) dobiti 3D model putem skeniranja. Nakon određenih popravaka i prilagođavanja dobivenog 3D modela, nastavlja se s izradom 3D modela pomoću programa Blender gdje je potrebno dobiti isti objekt modeliranjem na uzoru stvarnog objekta. Nakon dobivenih finalnih rezultata modela potrebno je usporediti dobivene modele. Svrha i zaključak rada je općenito usporediti 2 metode dobivanja 3D modela, tj. usporediti fotogrametriju (skeniranje) i 3D modeliranje kao dvije zasebne metode. Usporedbom tih dvaju metoda uspoređuju se i programi te programski procesi tj. alati pomoću kojih se metode realiziraju. Osim usporedbe metoda i alata cilj rada jeste usporedba dvaju finalnih produkata proizašlih iz navedenih metoda te raspoznavanje razlika među njima. |
Abstract (english) | In this masters thesis 2 ways of making 3D models will be compared, that is, comparing photogrammetry (scanning) and 3D modeling. For both methods the same final result will be made, the same physical model, but in different ways. The first method is photogrammetry, which is the skill, science, and technology of obtaining reliable quantitative information about physical objects on Earth and the environment, through the process of recording, measuring, analyzing, and interpreting photographic recordings and electromagnetic radiation scenes obtained by sensor systems. For this method, Agisoft program is used to obtain a 3D model. The second method is 3D modeling, which is the process of creating a mathematical representation of a three-dimensional object. What emerges is called a 3D model. Through the 3D rendering process, 2D images of a 3D model can be obtained from one perspective or alternatively, the 3D model can be used as a resource in real-time graphical simulation. For this method, Blender program will be used to model the final 3D model. With the Agisoft Photogrammetry and 3D Blender software, the same final 3D model will be made based on the actual physical object. First, using the Agisoft program, a 3D model via scanning will be made in addition to the previous photo material (images of the real object). After some repairs and adjustments to the resulting 3D model, the next step is to create 3D models using Blender where it is necessary to obtain the same object by modeling on the model of the actual object. After the final model results are obtained, it is necessary to compare the models obtained. The purpose and conclusion is to generally compare the 2 methods of obtaining 3D models, that is, to compare photogrammetry (scanning) and 3D modeling as two separate methods. By comparing the two methods, programs and program processes are being compared, that is the tools by which the methods are implemented. In addition to comparing methods and tools, the aim is to compare the two final products derived from the above methods and to identify differences between them. |