Abstract | Produkcijski elektrofotografski tiskarski strojevi tvrtke Konica Minolta posjeduju
mogućnost otiskivanja brzinom 70 kolornih A4 stranica u minuti. Da bi se ostvario otisak
što bliži standardu u RIP-u Accurio Hikari (Accurio PrintManager) moguće je varirati 13
tipova rastera. Po završetku inicijalne kalibracije za potrebe ovog istraživanja otisnuta su
dva seta otisaka: a) referentni xerox otisak koji je prethodno zadovoljio kriterij PSD
standarda A; b) realni otisci tiskarskog stroja Konica Minolta AccurioPress C3070. Za
utvrđivanje utjecaja RIP-a dodatno su varirani rasteri različitog oblika (okrugli, linijski,
romb I FM raster) kao i linijski raster s frekvencijama rastriranja od 40 lpi, 120 lpi i 200
lpi. Pri procesu otiskivanja korišten je Simitri toner proizvođača Konica Minolta, te
300g/m2 silk papir za umjetnički tisak proizvođača UPM. Da bi se točno odredila kvaliteta
reprodukcije otisnut je standardni FOGRA Media Wedge V3.0 klin koji sadrži 72 točno
definirana polja od kojih su detaljno analizirana polja CMYK punih tonova, te CMY polja
od 10%, 20%, 40%, 70% RTV-a, te polja crne od 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% RTV-a. Za
potrebe kolorimetrijskih mjerenja korišten je spektrofotometar i kolorimetar Techon
Spectrodens – Advanced kojim je mjereno CIE l*a*b* vrijednost te izračunata kolorna
razlika CIE l*a*b* ∆E00. Za vizualnu procjenu realizacije rasterskih elemenata korišten
je mikroskop Dynolite čije su slike uvečane 167x. Svi dobiveni Konica Minolta otisci
uspoređeni su sa referentnim vrijednostima po FOGRA 51 te realnim Xerox-ovom otisku
koji je besprijekorno otisnut i ocijenjen kategorijom A. Prema rezultatima istraživanja
najbolju kvalitetu reprodukcije otisnute na stroju proizvođača Konica Minolta, modela
AccurioPress C3070 dao je stohastički, FM3 raster te linijatura od 200 linija po inču. |
Abstract (english) | Konica Minolta’s production electrophotographic printing machines have the ability to
print at a speed of 70 color A4 pages per minute. In order to achieve a print as close as
possible to the standard in RIP Accurio Hikari (AccurioPrint Manager), it is possible to
vary 13 types of rasters. Upon completion of the initial calibration, for the purposes of
this research, two sets of prints were printed: a reference Xerox print that previously met
the criteria of the PSD standard; b) realistic prints of the Konica Minolta AccurioPress
C3070 printing machine. To determine the impact of RIP, rasters of different shape were
additionally varied (round, line, rhombus and FM3 raster) as well as line raster with raster
frequencies of 40 lpi, 120 lpi and 200 lpi. During the printing process, Simitri toner
produced by Konica Minolta was used, and 300 g/m2 silk paper for artistic printing
produced by UPM. In order to accurately determine the reproduction quality, a standard
FOGRA Media Wedge V3.0. wedge containing 72 precisely defined fields were printed,
of which CMYK full-tone fields were analyzed in detail and CMY fields of 10%, 20%,
40%, 70% of RTV and black fields of 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of RTV. For the
purposes of colorimetric measurements, a Techon Spectrodens – Advanced
spectrophotometer was used to measure the CIE l*a*b* value and calculate the CIE
l*a*b* color difference ∆E00. A Dynolite microscope was used for visual evaluation of
the realization of the raster elements, the images of which were magnified 167 times. All
obtained Konica Minolta prints were compared with reference values according to
FOGRA 51 and a real Xerox print that was flawlessly printed and rated with A category.
According to the results of the research, the best reproduction quality printed on the
Konica Minolta machine, model AccurioPress C3070, was given by stochastic, FM3
raster and lineation of 200 lines per inch. |