Abstract | U ovom radu objašnjavaju se strategije digitalne prisutnosti koje obuhvaćaju definiranje ciljeva digitalne prisutnosti, analizu okruženja, definiranje ciljne skupine, stvaranje plana digitalne prisutnosti, korištenje raznih alata, oglašavanje, te analitiku. Ciljevi moraju biti definirani kao SMART ciljevi, te podijeljeni na mikro i makro ciljeve. Analiza okruženja podrazumijeva analizu tržišta i konkurencije na temelju koje se kreira brand. Zatim se stvara plan digitalne prisutnosti koji prvenstveno obuhvaća definiranje kanala digitalne prisutnosti u koje se implementira strategija samog brenda.Web stranica mora biti primarni kanal, okosnica samog branda, dok ostali kanali moraju upućivati ka njoj. Sama tehnička izrada web stranice ne predstavlja preveliko opterećenje, koliko zapravo to predstavljaju koraci koji prethode izradi, a definiraju arhitekturu stranice i kupovni put potrošača uz prethodnu analizu ciljne skupine. Web stranica i sav njezin sadržaj, koji je također kompleksno definiran u radu, optimiziraju se, te se njezin sadržaj dijeli na ostalim kanalima poput društvenih mreža koji služe kao “komunikacijski kanali”. Alati digitalne prisutnosti koji se koriste su: korištenje glagola, korištenje riječi “besplatno”, konstantna komunikacija s klijentima, darivanje u obliku nagradne igre ili promo koda, suradnje, influenceri, recenzenti, real time marketing i dr. Sadržaj na društvenim mrežama oglašava se putem Facebook Ads Managera, dok se sadržaj web stranice oglašava pomoću Google oglasa putem Google Adwords računa. Prilikom kreiranja oglasa mora se voditi računa prvenstveno o cilju oglasa, a zatim i o kreativi koja predstavlja tekst oglasa, fotografiju/videozapis i gumb za akciju. Najvažnije od svega je testirati kako bi se za što manje novaca postigao što bolji rezultat, te pomno pratiti rezultate za svaku napravljenu akciju u analitici web stranice i društvenih mreža i definirati što “najbolje prolazi”, a zatim to ponavljati u različitim varijantama. |
Abstract (english) | This work explains digital presence strategies that include defining digital presence goals, analyzing the environment, defining the target group, creating a digital presence plan, using various tools, advertising, and analytics. Goals must be defined as SMART goals, and divided into micro and macro goals. Environmental analysis involves the analysis of the marketplace and competition on the basis of which the brand is created. Then a digital presence plan is created, which primarily includes defining the digital presence channels into which the brand strategy is implemented. The website must be the primary channel, the backbone of the brand itself, while other channels must point to it. The technical design of the website itself is not too much of a burden, as it are actually all the steps that precede the design. This steps include defining the architecture of the site and the purchasing path of consumers with prior analysis of the target group. The website and all its content, which is also complexly defined in the work, are optimized, and then the content is shared on other channels such as social networks that serve as "communication channels". The digital presence tools used are: use of verbs, use of the word "free", constant communication with clients, giveaways or promo code, collaborations, influencers, reviewers, real time marketing, etc. Content on social networks is advertised via Facebook Ads Manager, while the content of the website is advertised using Google ads via a Google Adwords account. When creating an ad, firms must include into the account the goal of the ad, and then the creative that represents the ad text, photo / video and action button. The most important thing is to test in order to achieve the best possible result for as little money as possible, and carefully monitor the results for each action in website and social media analytics so the firm can define what "works best", and then repeat it in different variants. |