Abstract | Dinamička tipografija u kinematografiji prati razvoj tipografskog oblikovanja uvodnih najava kroz filmsku povijest potaknutu tehnološkim razvojem video produkcijskih alata, ali i kulturnim promjenama koje su potakle pojavu niza novih filmskih žanrova i njima prikladnih novih tipografskih izričaja uvodnih najava. U ovom je radu prikazana njezina tranzicija na filmsku traku, prilagodbe kroz koje ona treba proći i tehničke zahtjeve koje mora zadovoljiti. U prvom dijelu rada su objašnjeni neki osnovni tipografski pojmovi koji će se kasnije spominjati tokom teorijskog i eksperimentalnog dijela. Dok je u početku, kao i tisku, bila od izuzetne važnosti čitljivost, kako su informacije o filmu postale dostupne putem interneta, danas su važniji aspekti estetski izgled tipografskih elemenata, njihova animacija, efekti i ukomponiranost u tematiku i atmosferu filma kojima se pokušava uživjeti i uvesti gledatelja u film. Iako se tekst u različitim oblicima pojavljuje tijekom cijelog filma, od posebne su važnosti naslovi i titlovi u uvodnoj najavi, jer su oni ujedno glavna stavka pri promociji i marketingu, tipografija postaje nosioc vizualnog identiteta. Iz tog se razloga nastoji da naslovi budu atraktivni i pamtljivi. Kako bi se na realnom primjeru opisalo korištenje dinamičke tipografije u kinematografiji i njen postupak izrade, za eksperimentalni dio je napravljen redizajn uvodne najave filmskog klasika „Blade Runner“, u kojem se pomoću suvremene tehnologije želi prikazati vizija naslova i titlova koja zadovoljava današnje standarde. |
Abstract (english) | Although typography in the graphic arts industry is present almost from the very beginning, the emergence of new challenges, the appearance of TVs, computers, smartphones ,and media accompanying devices such as web pages, video games,commercials, series, and films. This final paper presents her transition to the film strip, the adaptations she needs to undergo and the technical requirements she has to meet. In the first part of the paper, some basic typographic terms are explained which will be mentioned later in the theoretical and experimental part. In cinematography different rules apply to the creation of titles and movie subtitles. Moreover, they have changed over time and genres that emerged. While in the beginning, as the newsprint was of utmost importance readability, as movie information became available online, today's more important aspects are the aesthetic appearance of typographic elements, their animation, their effects, and their inclusion in the theme and atmosphere of the movie they are trying to enjoy and import Viewers in the movie. Although the text in different forms appears throughout the film, the titles and subtitles in the introductory box are of special importance, as they are also the main item in promotion and marbling, and are trying to turn them into a brand. For this reason, they try to be attractive, memorable. In order to demonstrate the use of dynamic typography in cinematography and its production process, for the experimental part of the Blade Runner film opening credits has been redesigned, aims to present the title and subtitle vision that meets today's standards with the help of modern technology . |