Title Akt fotografija kao "tabu" tema današnjice
Author Martina Vlašić
Mentor Miroslav Mikota (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Dragčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Mikota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Jurečić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract There has always been a need to protect documents from those containing them sensitive information, down to some simpler documents than various forgery or copying. Counterfeiting began in the 1960s and thus became a major problem. Previously, only luxury goods were forged, while today everything, especially computer programs, movies, clothes and cars, is forged. The products of every 12th company are thought to be counterfeit and the consequences could be reduced earnings and reduced job
... More numbers. People have always tried and succeeded in protecting the secrecy of important information, documents and the like, but many methods have not provided sufficient protection. With the development of technology, there are many opportunities for protection. So from the very technique of printing, to the finishing processes, various materials, colors and papers, they have a role to play in the protection of securities, documents, packaging, money, etc. In this diploma paper, a study will be made on how to protect a document from forgery by some pattern. The printed document will contain built-in lines that, under normal viewing conditions, will be invisible to the naked eye, but will become visible and legible after copying or scanning.Akt fotografija je studija golog ljudskog tijela u kojoj se prikazuje ljepota i skladnost oblika. Golo ljudsko tijelo u umjetnosti se prikazivalo već od njezinih samih početaka. Razvojem fotografije, unaprjeđivanjem različitih tehnika, fotografija se popularizirala. U trenutku kada je postala dostupna široj javnosti, akt je već postojao kao posebno, tada jako kontroverzno, područje fotografije. Čin skidanja muškarca ili žene pred očima javnosti oduvijek je izazivao kontroverze. Važno je naglasiti da akt fotografija nije pornografija, već prikazivanje savršenstva i čistoće ljudskog tijela. Premda povijest umjetnosti prikazuje cikličnu izmjenu prihvatljivosti prikaza nagosti, dominantan je smjer cenzure iste. U praktičnom dijelu ovog diplomskog rada snimljeni su muški i ženski aktovi, te je pomoću njih provedeno istraživanje u obliku ankete. Kroz snimljene aktove prikazana je ljepota, seksualnost, konture ljudskoga tijela u crno bijeloj tehnici uz interakciju svijetla. Cilj ovog rada bio je prezentirati nago tijelo, u različitim položajima, pokretima i držanjima, te provesti socijalno istraživanje koje će pokazati trenutno mišljenje ljudske populacije o akt fotografiji, njezinoj prihvatljivosti, te koliko je ona sama danas još uvijek cenzurirana. Less
Abstract (english) A nude photography is a study of the naked human body in which the beauty and harmony of form is shown. The naked human body has been depicted in art since it's very beginnings. With the development of photography, with the advancement of various techniques, photography became popular. By the time it became available to the general public, the nude already existed as a separate, then highly controversial, area of photography. The act of stripping a man or woman in front of the public
... More has always caused controversy. It is important to emphasize that the nude photography is not pornography, but a depiction of the perfection and purity of the human body. Although art history shows a cyclical change in the acceptability of the depiction of nudity, the dominant direction of censorship is the same. In the practical part of this final thesis, male and female nudes were photographed, and a research in the form of a survey was conducted with their help. Through the recorded nudes, beauty, sexuality, the contours of the human body are shown in black and white with the interaction of light. The aim of this research was to present the naked body, in different positions, movements and postures, and to conduct social research that will show the current opinion of the human population about nude photography, its acceptability, and how much it itself is still censored today Less
akt fotografija
ljudsko tijelo
socijalni stavovi
Keywords (english)
nude photography
human body
social opinions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:890544
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-04-21 10:21:49