Title Metode testiranja korisnika u procesu dizajna igre
Author Monika Piragić
Mentor Jesenka Pibernik (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jesenka Pibernik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Brozović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-9-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Definicija igara ima mnogo, kao i različitih pristupa procesu dizajna i njegovim izazovima.
Isto tako ne postoji unificirani set pravila, „zlatni recept“ kojim bi se proizveo kvalitetan
proizvod, naročito u pogledu igre koja funkcionira kao medij prijenosa specifičnog iskustva
i kao takva se bavi složenim problemima interaktivnosti, kontrole igrača nad igrom i
doživljaja koji iz nje proizlaze. Dobar dizajn pojavljuje se pritom kroz iterativan proces
preispitivanja, izgradnje i promjena, a najvrjednije saznanja dizajner otkriva procesom rada,
čineći mnoge pogreške. "To create, one must first destroy.", tvrdi autor knjige "The Art of
Game Design"[2]. Svaka promjena ne znači nužno uništavanje već izgrađenih struktura, nego
pronalazak efikasnih i kvalitetnih načina za prilagodbu igre na temelju kontinuiranog
istraživanja i novih spoznaja. S obzirom da proizvod namjenu nalazi unutar kulture i
okruženja ciljanog korisnika kojem je namijenjen, potrebno je ulagati resurse u ispitivanje
načina na koji se korisnik njime služi, odnosno igra igru, koliko uspješno, uz kakve poteškoće
i kakvi su osjećaji time izazvani. Zbog navedenih razloga, u program izrade proizvoda uvode
se testiranja. U slučaju igre, testiranje se naziva "playtesting" i usmjereno je na razumijevanje
dizajna, sustava, interaktivnosti, zatim samog igrača te sinteze pravila igre i osjećaja koji iz
nje proizlaze. Postoji više različitih metodologija i praksi, no odabir odgovarajuće metode
testiranja uvelike ovisi o okruženju u kojem proizvod nastaje kao i stadiju razvoja u kojem
se nalazi. S tim ciljem, rad pruža pregled praktičnih primjera iz industrije igara te potom
detaljan opis istraživanja provedenog u ranim stadijima dizajna ulične igre.
Abstract (english) There are many differences in understanding of what games are, as well as multiple
approaches to the design process and challenges it poses. The golden recipe that would create
a quality product simply doesn't exist. This particulary applies to games which serve as a
media for transfering unique intagible experiences, and as such have to deal with complex
issues regarding interactivity, game control and emotions that arise from it. A good design
appears through an iterative process of re-examination, development and change. The most
valuable insights come from the process of making a product and, with that, making mistakes.
"To create, one must first destroy.", says the author of "The Art of Game Design". Performing
changes does not necessarily include destruction of the structures that have already been
built, but finding suitable and efficient ways of adjusting them, based on continuous research
and new discoveries. Given that the product's purpose lies in the culture and environment of
its targeted users, it is necessary to invest effort and resources into examining the ways
players are interacting with the game, the rate of their success, difficulties presented and
feelings that are being conveyed. For those reasons, and many more, tests are being
introduced into the product development program. In case of a game, the process is called
"playtesting" and its purpose is to understand the design, system, interactivity and gameplay,
including the synthesis of the rules of play and feelings that arise from the act of playing.
While different methodologies and practices do exist, choosing a suitable test method
largerly depends on the environment in which the product is being made, as well as on the
stage of its development. With aim to explore it, this paper provides an overview of practices
from experts in the field, and also a detailed description of the research conducted in the early
stages of desigining a game.
dizajn igre
iterativni dizajn
razvojni proces
metode testiranja
ulična igra
Keywords (english)
game design
development process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:851328
Study programme Title: Printing technology, course Technical - technological Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-16 16:55:21