Sažetak | U ovom radu dati će se teoretski prikaz karakteristika procesne vode grafičke tehnologije i pratećih industrija. Obrazlaže se kružni tok vode u prirodi i opisuju se karakteristike takvih voda. Posebno su važni procesi grafičke tehnologije kao i proizvodnja celuloze i papira kao mogući izvor zagađenosti vode. Prikazat će se kako pojedine faze grafičke industrije utječu na kvalitetu vode te procesi koji se primjenjuju za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. Tako će se redom opisati utjecaj boja, fotografskih procesa te pripreme tiskovnih formi za svaku tehniku tiska posebno. Kod proizvodnje celuloze i papira naglasak se također stavlja na zagađivala koja se mogu pojaviti tijekom proizvodnje te određene faze kao mogući izvori.
Kako se sve industrijske vode otpuštaju u prirodne vodotoke one se prije otpuštanja moraju pročistiti. No, isto tako industrijski procesi zahtjevaju određenu kvalitetu tehnološke vode koja se koristi u proizvodnji. Zbog toga se i svježa voda prije upotrebe mora podvrgnuti različitim metodama obrade, jer može sadržavati neke nepoželjne karakteristike kao što su boja, mutnoća, tvrdoća, alkalnost, ili ione željeza i mangana. Postupcima obrade otpadnih voda uklanjaju se otopljene tvari, smanjuje se količina organske tvari, te se uklanjaju toksične tvari kao što su teški metali.
Nadalje, u ovom radu opisane su metode koje se koriste za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda svaka zasebno. U prvom redu to su metode za uklanjanje krute tvari, a to su taloženje, filtracija i flotacija. Koja će se od ovih metoda koristiti ovisit će o karakteristikama krute tvari te o zahtjevima koji se odnose na čistoću vode. Kemijska koagulacija i flokulacija koriste se u zbrinjavanju svježe vode u pripremi tehnološke vode. Biološke metode se koriste za uklanjanje organske tvari male molekularne mase. To su aerobni procesi koji se odvijaju u prisutnosti kisika, te anaerobni procesi gdje se razgradnja organske tvari uz pomoć mikroorganizama dešava bez prisutnosti kisika. Na kraju, opisane su i mnoge druge metode kao što su adsorpcija aktivnim ugljikom, ishlapljivanje, proces uklanjanja lignina i drugi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper there will be given the theoretical presententation of characteristics of processed water of graphic technology and supporting industry. The circular flow of water in nature and characteristics of such water will be explained in details. Especially important are the processes of graphic technology, as well as the production of cellulose and paper as the possible source of water contamination. The influence of certain phases of graphic industry to the water quality will be presented as well as the processes which are being in use for the refining of effluents. In that way there will be given the description of the influence of colours, the photographic processes and the preparations of press forms for each technique of press individually. When talking about production of cellulose and paper, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of pollutants which can appear during the production, as well as certain processes as possible sources.
Due to the fact that all industrial water is being released into the natural water flow, it has to be refined before the releasing. But also, the industrial processes demand a certain quality of fresh water which is used in production. That is why even the fesh water before its use has to be submitted to different methods of processing, because it can contain some undesirable characteristics as colour, turbidity, hardness, alkalinity, iron and manganese. By processing the effluent, the dissolved substances and toxic substances, as heavy metals are being removed and the quantity of organic substances is being decreased.
Furthermore, this paper deals with different methods which are used for refining effluent. First of all those are methods for the removal of solids: sedimentation, filtration and flotation. Which of these methods will be used depends on the characteristics of solids and on demands in connection to the purity of water. Chemical coagulation and flocculation are used for fresh water treatment in the process of technological water preparation. Biological methods are used for removal of low molecular mass organic substances. These are the aerobic processes which are being developed in the presence of oxygen, and anaerobic processes in which the breakdown of organic substances, by means of micro-organisms, is happening without the presence of oxygen. Finally, other methods have also been described in the paper, such as activated carbon adsorption, evaporation, lignin removal process and others. |