Sažetak | Tema digitalnog animiranog 3D stripa kroz spoj ilustracije, animacije i
trodimenzionalnih vizualnih efekata te putem konkretnog primjera, proučava i
objašnjava poveznicu između klasičnih tehnika izrade stripa i njihovih
digitaliziranih inačica. Proučava se i percepcija i doživljaj korisnika na novu
dimenziju digitalnog stripa te definiraju njezine prednosti i nedostaci u odnosu na
ostale formate stripa. Na taj se način ostvaruje i potencijalno potiče na nove
mogućnosti koje digitalizacija nosi. Proučava se način na koji novi mediji i
tehnologije obogaćuju i pospješuju doživljaj korisnika te ostvaruje hibridizacija
između klasičnog stripa i digitalnog, 3D, animiranog i interaktivnog formata stripa.
Osim na konkretnom primjeru, kroz rad se objašnjavaju i tradicionalni formati
stripa, vrste i razvitak stripa od začetka do danas, eksperimentalni elementi,
koncept priče, „storyboard“, grafički i tehnički elementi izrade - od ilustriranja,
animiranja i trodimenzionalnih prikaza do tehničkih specifikacija i mogućnosti
interakcije između korisnika i stripa, formati i platforme na kojima se strip
prikazuje te svi ostali nužni elementi za izradu i publikaciju stripa. Cilj rada je kroz
izradu digitalnog, animiranog, 3D stripa omogućiti korisnicima novo iskustvo već
poznatog formata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The master's thesis titled "Digital animated 3D comic book" trough combination
of illustration, animation, three-dimensional visual effects and concrete authored
work explains and studies the connection between classical, well-known ways of
making and reading comics and their digitized and modern versions. The work
studies perception and user experience of this new form of comic book and
defines its advantages and disadvantages compared to other known comic book
formats. Potentially, this study will result with new experiences as well as
possibilities for the future of comics. It will also explain the way in which new
media and technology enriches and empowers user experience by making a
hybrid version of old, classic comics and new, digital, animated and threedimensional format. Aside from the actual comic this paper will produce,
traditional forms and version of comics, their beginning and development
through-out history, experimental elements, concepts, storyboards, graphic and
technical details starting from illustrations, animations and 3D representations all
the way to specifications and possibilities of interaction between reader and
comic itself, formats, platforms and the other necessary element, will all be
explained. The main goal is to, through making of digital, animated, 3D comic
book, enable reader a new experience of a well-known format. |