Sažetak | Tehnologija može podržati i potpomoći proces učenja i podučavanja na različite načine, a
slijedom ustaljenih praksi i kroz različite inicijative često se za svakog učenika u formalnom
obrazovanju nastoji osigurati zasebno računalo za rad. Ipak, zbog ograničenih financijskih
mogućnosti ili nedostatka tehnoloških resursa, tehnologijom podržane obrazovne aktivnosti
nerijetko se organiziraju na način da više učenika dijeli jedan uređaj pri čemu programska
podrška koja se upotrebljava nije prilagođena simultanoj višekorisničkoj interakciji. Nadalje, u
današnjem formalnom obrazovanju učenici uglavnom uče i rade samostalno, ali se od njih
očekuje da po završetku obrazovanja posjeduju i vještine suradničkog rješavanja problema.
Međutim, prilikom provedbe suradničkih aktivnosti učitelji često nailaze na brojne izazove, a
različiti pristupi organizaciji i provedbi suradničkog učenja ne jamče efikasnost primjene i
dobre rezultate. Adekvatnom primjenom tehnologija može potpomoći organizaciji i provedbi
suradničkih aktivnosti.
Ovim doktorskim radom predlaže se novi model podjele radne površine zaslona osjetljivog na
dodir na više nezavisnih cjelina, primjenjivog na mobilnom uređaju u svrhu simultane upotrebe
kod više kolociranih korisnika za provođenje nezavisnih individualnih obrazovnih aktivnosti i
suradničkog učenja. U radu se predlaže i proces suradničke aktivnosti, temeljen na modelu
podjele zaslona, neovisan o području učenja i podučavanja. Dodatno, na temelju predloženog
modela i definiranog procesa aktivnosti razvijen je model višekorisničkog sustava za podršku
suradničkom učenju.
Naposljetku, u radu se istražuje kako predloženi model podjele radne površine mobilnoga
uređaja utječe na organizaciju, provedbu i rezultate obrazovnih aktivnosti pojedinca i grupe
učenika u ranom osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju. Rezultati znanstvenog istraživanja pokazali
su da nema statistički značajne razlike u uspjehu i percipiranom zadovoljstvu učenika između
samostalnog rada na tabletu i rješavanja sličnih zadataka dijeljenjem jednog tableta s
implementiranom značajkom podijele zaslona te da je primjenom predloženog modela moguće
unaprjeđenje organizacije i provedbe suradničkih obrazovnih aktivnosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Technology can support and assist the learning and teaching process in different ways. In formal
education, by following established practices and through various initiatives, it is often
attempted to provide a separate computer or digital learning device for each student.
Nevertheless, due to limited financial capabilities or insufficient technological resources,
educational activities that rely on technology are frequently arranged in a manner where several
pupils utilize a single device. The fundamental issue lies in the fact that the software support
used is not tailored to support simultaneous multiuser interaction. Moreover, in contemporary
formal education, students mostly study and work independently, however, they are expected
to demonstrate proficient collaborative problem-solving abilities once finishing their education.
Yet, when implementing collaborative activities in education, teachers often encounter
numerous challenges, and different approaches to the organization and implementation of
collaborative learning do not guarantee the effectiveness of the application. Therefore,
technology can support the organization and implementation of collaborative activities.
This Ph.D. thesis presents an original model for splitting a touchscreen into several independent
segments suitable for implementation on a mobile device. The goal was to enable numerous
users who are physically close to each other to engage simultaneously in both individual and
collaborative learning activities. The study also proposes a collaborative activity process that is
built on the split screen concept, regardless of the educational subject or domain. In addition, a
multiuser system was developed to facilitate collaborative learning, based on the presented
model for splitting a touchscreen on a mobile device and defined activity process.
The research undertaken in the dissertation was founded on the premise that by utilizing the
proposed model, independent individual educational activities can be carried out without any
statistically significant differences compared to the implementation in a 1:1 distribution, where
each student has a device of their own. This approach has been favored over a 1:m distribution
for a considerable period of time. Among other things, this model would enable a different
approach to using mobile technologies in educational institutions with limited technological
resources. Furthermore, it was assumed that the proposed model, together with the adjusted
educational process, will contribute to the organization and implementation of collaborative
learning by encouraging students to actively cooperate by exchanging knowledge with
members of the workgroup. Through the designed process of collaborative activity, adapted to
the proposed model, an effort was made to ensure that all students actively participate in theprocess of group work by nurturing each student's sense of personal responsibility through
individual work. It was assumed that the proposed model would lead to the expansion of the
individual's knowledge, that is, the willingness to acquire new knowledge in the process of
collaborative learning.
The following hypotheses (H) were set and evaluated:
H1: There is no statistically significant difference in students' task performance between
the 1:1 distribution and 1:m distribution when implementing the split screen feature
on a touchscreen mobile device.
H2: Splitting the touchscreen of a mobile device can enhance the organization and
implementation of collaborative educational activities.
Finally, this study examines the impact of the presented model for dividing the work surface on
a touchscreen device on the organization, implementation, and outcomes of educational
activities for both individuals and groups of students in early elementary school education. The
research findings indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in student success
and perceived satisfaction when comparing independent tablet use versus collaborative tablet
use with a split screen feature. In addition, the results indicate that the suggested model has the
potential to enhance the organization and implementation of collaborative educational
The thesis starts with an introductory section that provides an overview of the study topic and
elucidates the motivations for doing this doctoral dissertation. The subsequent sections of the
chapter outline and explain the research objective, hypotheses, and the scientific contributions
that resulted from the study.
The second chapter provides a theoretical overview and definitions of computer supported
learning. It includes an overview of mobile learning, computer supported collaborative learning,
and collaborative learning supported by mobile technologies, with a particular emphasis on
possible device distributions during collaborative educational activities.
The third chapter covers techniques for displaying content by splitting a device's screen,
emphasizing contemporary approaches utilized on mobile devices. The chapter concludes by
explaining the concept of single display groupware with shared output and providing an
overview of current multiuser computer systems in education that apply interface segmentation
to enable user interaction.The fourth chapter describes the proposed design concept for splitting the display into several
autonomous segments intended to be applied on a touch screen mobile device. This chapter also
delineates the parameters that define the model suitable for performing independent and
collaborative tasks.
The fifth chapter provides a detailed description of the activity process designed to facilitate
collaborative learning among a group of colocated learners. The components of the educational
activity are defined and the three phase activity is described with accompanying examples.
The sixth chapter presents a model of a multiuser system that facilitates collaborative learning.
The system components are described, including the client mobile application, which displays
educational lessons by dividing the mobile device screen into segments and supports
collaborative activity. Also, the client web application, which contains modules for creating
lesson content, setting up collaborative activities, and analyzing the results, is described.
The seventh chapter presents the results and analysis of the task performance, perceived
satisfaction, and behavior of students completing similar mathematical assignments on paper,
tablet in 1:1 (one-per-one), and tablet in 1:m (one-per-many) settings with implemented split
screen feature. A comprehensive description of the study methodology, participants, and
background is provided. A discussion of the results was given at the end of the chapter, with
specific reference to the research questions and hypothesis H1.
The eighth chapter presents the findings and analysis of students’ task performance, behavior,
and perceived level of collaboration after completing different assignments using the developed
system for supporting collaborative learning based on the split screen feature. A comprehensive
description of the research methodology, participants, and background is provided. A
discussion of the results was given at the end of the chapter, with specific reference to the
research questions and hypothesis H2.
The ninth chapter summarizes the entire dissertation and provides guidelines for further
research on the topic of study.
In addition, the dissertation includes all the materials used during the research and the data sets
on which the analysis was performed. |