Sažetak | Sve većim rastom potražnje i potrošnje ambalažnih materijala raste i problem
njegovog zbrinjavanja. Iz tog razloga ne rijetko se dogodi da se razne ambalaže,
kao i razni drugi otpad nađe u okolišu. No, različitim materijalima je potreban
drugačiji vremenski period za razgradnju u prirodi. Neki materijali pri razgradnji
čak ispuštaju i štetne, a ponekad i toksične tvari koje se ne bi trebale ostavljati u
okolišu zbog njihovog štetnog utjecaja na sva živa bića u njemu.
Iz ovih razloga se u današnje vrijeme istražuju razni načini kako postojeću, u
ovom kontekstu čak i štetnu, ambalažu zamijeniti s ambalažom koja će biti manje
štetna za okoliš, ako ne i korisna. Unazad par godina sve je više takve ambalaže
na tržištu što znači da se ljudi bude i shvaćaju kakav utjecaj imaju na život koji ih
okružuje. Plastika se reciklira i ponovo koristi, ali i zamjenjuje drugim materijalima
kod proizvoda za koje nije potrebno da budu plastični kao što su jednokratne
slamke, pribor za jelo i čaše.
Jedna od novijih vrsta ambalaža je biorazgradiva ambalaža koja se može
posaditi. U nekim primjerima takvog tipa ambalaže prešaju se sjemenke cvijeća
koje bi trebalo izrasti kad se ambalaža posadi. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada
izrađen je reciklirani papir sa sjemenkama biljaka. Cilj je bio izraditi repliku
spomenute ambalaže. Ispitivat će se utjecaj temperature na rast sjemenki i
predložiti način sklapanja kutije od takvog papira kako bi se izbjeglo korištenje
ljepila. |
Sažetak (engleski) | With the rise of supply and demand for materials used for packaging, a new
problem arises regarding adequate waste disposal. Unfortunately, it often
happens that product packaging, as well as other types of waste, gets improperly
disposed of into the environment. The biggest problem with waste in the
environment is different decomposing time for different materials. Some materials
let out harmful, sometimes even toxic, compounds while decomposing which
makes them harmful for the environment and every living creature.
With those things in mind, there is a significant effort made in researching of
different ways to replace existing, currently harmful, packaging with less harmful
packaging which may be even beneficial for the environment. Starting a couple
of years ago, more and more brands are using eco-friendly packaging, meaning
there is a rise in consciousness and awareness of existing problems regarding
waste, as well as consequences waste has for the environment. Plastic is being
recycled and reused, but also replaced by other materials when plastic can be
omitted, such as disposable drinking straws, cutlery and cups.
One of newer innovations when it comes to packaging is biodegradable
packaging which can be planted in soil. Some of product packaging made with
biodegradable materials contains plant seed which is said to sprout when planted.
In the experimental part of this thesis, recycled paper containing seeds will be
made, which will later be used to replicate commercial plantable packaging, i.e.
seeding paper. During the experiment, any changes on seeds themselves will be
noted. In addition to that, any suggestions about making a usable packaging
without using glue will be noted. |