Abstract | U posljednje vrijeme na tržištu tiskarskih strojeva povećao se broj visokoproduktivnih
elektrofotografskih strojeva. Samim time brzina otiskivanja postaje veća od 120 str/min
A4 formata. Ova karakteristika omogućena je povećanjem dimenzija osnovnih
komponenata u elektrofotografskoj tiskarskoj jedinici (fotoreceptori, razvijački valjci,
kućište tonera). Promjena je nastala i u praškastom toneru koji u sebi sadržava nove
čestice razvijača.
Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati kvalitetu visokoproduktivnog elektrofotografskog stroja
Konica Minolta AccurioPress C12000 čija je brzina otiskivanja 120 A4 kolornih stranica
u minuti, te utvrditi kako promjena linijature od 100, 190, 270 lpi utječe na realizaciju
CMYK kolornog otiska. To je omogućeno korištenjem RIP-a Fiery IC-318. Korištena
tiskovna podloga u eksperimentu bila je ofsetni papir Fedrigoni Splendorgel Extra
White gramature 160 g/m2. Veličina otisnute naklade bila je 60 primjeraka od kojih je
12 nasumično izabrano. Kao ciljana referenca uzeta je Fogra 52 (Ugra/Fogra Media
Wedge klin od 74 polja). Dobiveni CMYK otisci su analizirani kolorimetrijskom
metodom (X-Rite eXact Advanced) uz određivanje kolornih promjena CIELAB, ΔE, ΔL,
ΔC nastalih međusobnom komparacijom. Dodatno je ispitana i ujednačenost otisnute
naklade pri čemu se je detaljno praćen testni interval unutar 60 sekundi (1, 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 i 60 otisak). Za grafički prikaz rezultata korišten je program
Origin Pro 8.5.
Rezultati prikazuju da su kolorne oscilacije manje pri tisku s FM rasterom te linijaturi
od 190 lpi AM rastera. Linijatura od 100 lpi-a se pokazala kao najlošiji izbor. Oscilacije
kroz vremenski period od 60 sekundi su znatno veće u drugom testnom intervalu
odnosno od 35. do 60. sekunde. |
Abstract (english) | Recently, the number of high-performance electrophotographic machines with a speed
of more than 120 ppm A4 format has increased on the market of printing machines.
This is made possible by improving the basic components in the electrophotographic
printing unit (photoreceptors, developer rollers and toner cartridges for the machines.
There has also been a change in the type of toner powder, which uses less energy and
has new developer particles.
The aim of this paper is to examine the quality of a high-performance Konica Minolta
Accuriopress C12000 electrophotographic machine with a print speed of 120 ppm A4
color pages and to determine how a change in screening at 100, 190, 270 lpi affects
the realization of CMYK color prints. This was made possible using RIP Fiery IC-318.
The printing substrate used in the experiment was standard Splendorgel offset paper
with a grammage of 160 g / m2, and therefore the Fogra 52 (Ugra/Fogra Media Wedge
of 74 fields) was taken as a reference. The obtained CMYK prints was analyzed using
the colorimetric method (X-Rite eXact Advanced) with the determination of color
changes of CIELAB, ΔE, ΔL, ΔC caused by mutual comparison. The uniformity of the
printed edition will be additionally examined, and the test interval of 60 seconds will be
monitored in detail (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 prints). Origin
Pro 8.5 was used to graphically display the results
The results show that the color oscillations are lowest when printed with an FM raster
and with 190 lpi AM raster screening. The most inferior results are visible with a 100
lpi raster screening. Oscillations over a period of 60 seconds are significantly higher in
the second test interval ie,, l from 35 to 60 seconds in the primary run. |