Abstract | 3D-animacije mogu biti vrlo zahtjevne u smislu računalnih resursa. Cilj i metodologija ovoga istraživanja sastoje se u izradi (modeliranjem, animacijama i/ili simulacijama) animirane 3D-scene (otoka sa svjetionikom, rotirajućim svjetlom u svjetioniku, travom, planinama u pozadini, nebom, morem, suncem, zvijezdama, oblacima) u 3D-Blenderu, i to u dnevnim i noćnim uvjetima. U najboljem slučaju, trava, more, zvijezde i oblaci bili bi modelirani i/ili animirani pomoću simulatora, ostale animacije ručno, a svi elementi scene bili bi trodimenzionalni. Od samog početka izrade ove scene pa sve do njezinog kraja vodilo se računa o omjeru brzine renderiranja i o kvaliteti vizualne prezentacije. Oba su aspekta veoma bitna jer su u obrnutom proporcionalnom odnosu. Ako se želi postići brzo renderiranje gotove scene, vizualna će prezentacija biti lošija. U suprotnom slučaju, što se više teži tomu da scena bude visoke kvalitete, to će vrijeme renderiranja biti sporije. Očekivani rezultat i zaključak je da će obje, vrlo složene, simultano višestruke 3D-animacije, zahtijevati ipak pojednostavnjenje, ili pomoću "varalica" ili smanjenjem broja elemenata, s obzirom da će biti iscrtane na osobnom računalu. Svrha je ipak testirati granice. |
Abstract (english) | 3D animation can be very demanding in terms of computing resources. The objective and methodology of this study consist in making (modeling, animation and/or simulations) animated 3D scenes of the island with a lighthouse, rotating light in a lighthouse, grass, mountains in the background, the sky, the sea, the sun, the stars, the clouds, the 3D Blender- in, and in this day and night conditions. At best, grass, sea, stars and clouds would be modeled and/or animated using simulators, other animation by hand, and all the elements of the scene would be 3D. From the beginning, making the scene all the way to its end, attention was paid on the ratio of the speed of rendering and quality of visual presentation. Both the aspect we are very important because they are inversely proportional to what, in essence, means if you want a quick rendering of the finished scenes visual presentation will be worse, in the opposite case, if we want our scene to be high quality this time will be slower rendering. Expected results and conclusion is that both, very complex, simultaneous multiple 3D animation, still require simplification, or by using the "file" or reducing the number of elements, as will be plotted on a personal computer. The purpose is however to test limits. |